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march 9th 2005
Today the 9th of march 2005, I start dismounting cockpit n° 2 to reorganize the basic structure before mounting the new cockpit.
march 10th 2005
I finished to swap the old cockpit out of the cellar. This gives me an opportunity to show how the main structure is built. I shall keep and adapt this structure
A panoramic view of the basic structure.
Meanwhile, I have piled up all the electronic in my workroom !!
The next steps are to clean the cellar room, to perform some maintenance on the main screen (see picture) and to establish a clean distribution of high voltage (220 V) and video signals under the main floor.  
march 12th 2005
  Main screen maintenance ended. Old PC1 floor dismounted. New floor for 3 PCs achieved.
march 21st 2005
The reimplantation of the new cockpit on the plateform of cockpit n° 2, which I keep, is a little bit critical. I need to ensure proper accessibility within a very constraint space. The map on left is the result of necessary compromises. And now I need :
  • to dig the left wall shoulder to allow for the angle of the joystick - tiller box. It is the first thing to do because it will come out a lot of dust.
  • move the pilots seat to the right
  • prepate a base for the center pedestal
  • recenter the pedalsr
I keep as it is the width of the passage behind the pilots seats (41 cm less the overflow of top of backs), nor the principal floor width from nose to path (134 cm).
march 23rd 2005
  I finished to reorganize the girders. It seems to be quite nothing on the picture, but I had to move and saw at new length more than half of the girders.
Next step, redimensioning of the wood floor.
march 26th 2005
I finished to put the new floor. The white paper sheets visible on the picture are stencils representing the surface occupied by the center pedestal and the side joystick box. You can clearly see that this second sheet overflows onto the wall shoulder and necessitate to dig the shoulder according to the red line. Waiting for the necessary tools; I start the electric supply for 220 V.
march 31st 2005
Here is the main distribution map. In black 220V power, in blue the PCs start lines, in green the video.
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